Our Products

School Lab Supplies

LaboratoryInstrumentIndia proudly serves as a leading provider of school lab supplies manufacturers from India, offering a wide array of high-quality equipment tailored to enrich educational experiences. As trusted school laboratory equipments suppliers, we understand the importance of fostering curiosity and learning in educational settings.


Our commitment extends to ensuring that schools worldwide have access to top-notch laboratory instruments that inspire scientific exploration. From basic essentials to advanced tools, we cater to diverse educational needs, promoting hands-on learning and inquiry-based instruction.


Recognized as school lab instruments exporters, we uphold the reputation of Indian manufacturing by delivering reliable and durable instruments to educational institutions globally. Our products undergo stringent quality checks to guarantee performance and safety, empowering students and educators to engage in meaningful scientific inquiry.


At LaboratoryInstrumentIndia, we are dedicated to supporting the next generation of scientists and innovators by providing exceptional school lab supplies that ignite curiosity, foster discovery, and inspire a lifelong love for science and learning.


Lab Tender Suppliers Africa and Lab Equipment Africa Kenya, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mayotte, Sao Tome, Seychelles, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Madagascar, Benin, Burundi, Tunisia, South Sudan, Botswana, Namibia, Gabon, Lesotho, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Reunion, Comoros, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, Tanzania, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mauritania, Eritrea, Gambia Ministerial Tender Board Lab Equipment India, Ministry of School Education Lab, Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India
