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Educational Towing Carriages Lab

Educational Towing Carriages Lab, Educational Towing Carriages Lab Equipments, Educational Towing Carriages Lab Tools, Educational Towing Carriages Lab Tool Kits, Educational Towing Carriages Lab Manufacturers, Educational Towing Carriages Lab Suppliers from India, China, Kenya

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Educational Towing Carriages

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780001 - (Educational Towing Carriages)

They are suitable for a range of hydrodynamic research functions, from current meter calibrating to large ship model testing at speeds of up to 20m/s. All carriages are designed such as to cope with steady state and dynamic model testing, whilst ensuring smooth running at constant speeds. Our range of Carriages often incorporate four quadrant systems for smooth acceleration and retardation. Towing Carriages are manufactured from modern high-grade materials offering rigidity and strength, but where necessary manufactured in suitable lightweight materials for high-speed applications. Drive trains, electrical systems, control equipment and other important key components are selected in order to reduce overall maintenance costs and down time during routine maintenance. Software control maximises test duration in calm water and with links to wavemakers can maximise test duration in waves.



Dynamometers For Educational Towing Carriages

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780002 - (Dynamometers For Educational Towing Carriages)

A variety of dynamometers can be supplied for use with the educational carriages, these are interfaced with he support frame for connection to ship models or fitting of propeller models. These include:
Educational Multi Component Ship / Yacht Model Balance
Educational Ship Stability Dynamometer
Educational Self Propulsion
Traditional Self-Propulsion Dynamometer for educational scaled models
Educational Resistance Dynamometer
Educational Open Water Propeller / Turbine Dynamometer.



Wave Makers And Absorbing Beaches

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780003 - (Wave Makers And Absorbing Beaches)

Waves reflect off the surfaces of the model and from sides of the tank. This can be a major limitation on towing tanks where the productively of the whole facility is determined by the settling time after a run has been completed.  All tanks have resonant frequencies and often these lie within the working frequencies that are generated in the tank. A good beach will absorb much of the energy after is has passed the model but has little effect on cross-waves or models reflected from the model. Wave makers incorporate proven software techniques for wave generator control and can include software links to towing carriages to optimise test duration. Wave Technology is a rapidly advancing science new or modified products are continually being developed to meet unique experimental needs, including those associated with the offshore industrys deep-sea exploration research programmes. Active absorbing wavemakers dramatically increase the performance of a tank by prolonging the time that an experiment can run without the build up of spurious waves and also by decreasing the settling time between runs. 



Additional Equipment And Instrumentation

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780004 - (Additional Equipment And Instrumentation)

We also supply additional equipment which can be used in conjunction with the towing carriage for model manufacturing & measuring facilities:
Educational Wake Rake with Integrated Pressure Transducers
Educational 1.5m Offshore Support Vessel / Trawler Model
Educational Scaled Model Guiding Arms
Educational High Speed Camera System
Tank Pit mounted Offshore & floor mounted static model 6 component balance.
Set of Educational Scaled Propeller models.

