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Communication System Lab

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Basic Communication System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1130001 - (Basic Communication System)

Analog Communication System is equipped with power supply and signal unit. Students only have to adopt the oscilloscope to complete various.
System modularity maximizes flexibility and variety for experimentation, and allows possibility for expansion and customization.
The trainer includes the basic modules with experimental circuits. It offers the beginner complete courses of basic analog and digital communication.



AM- FM Transmitter and Receiver System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1130002 - (AM- FM Transmitter and Receiver System)

Suitable for demonstrating  AM and FM transmission. The system contains four separate modules - the AM transmitter, AM receiver modules, FM transmitter and FM receiver modules.



Analog Communication System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1130003 - (Analog Communication System)

2 modules form basis for over 9 fully documented experiments
144MHz VHF FM transceiver trainer
Includes experiment and instructor's manual.



Fiber-Optic Transmission Training System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1130004 - (Fiber-Optic Transmission Training System)

The equipment that you assemble will transmit voice from one point to another, using light traveling through an optical fiber.
The experiment of  shows you how easy it is to make productive use of fiber optic materials.
With four different data transmission ways (self module
Transmission, and module-to-PC transmission).
Transmission, module-to-module transmission, PC-to-module.

