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Manufacturing Processes Learning System Lab

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Welding Technology Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940001 - (Welding Technology Learning System)

Welding Technology Learning System consists of a workstation with a self-contained down-draft table and angle grinder, storage station, gas metal arc welder, weld test fixture, tools and fixtures, safety gear, student curriculum and teachers assessment guide. 
The Welding Technology Learning System teaches how to safely create an array of high quality weld types. Welding plays a critical role throughout our economy. It is central to many industries including manufacturing, construction, and aerospace to name only a few. Welding is a blend of both art and science, joined together to create enduring bonds that allow us to create structures and machines on a scale impossible to achieve without it. The Welding Technology Learning System is mobile with both the workstation and storage unit designed for classroom use.

Mobile Technology Workstation with Vise
Magnetic Stainless Steel Top Workstation
Turnkey Storage Station.



Product Finishing Learning Systems

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940002 - (Product Finishing Learning Systems)

The Product Finishing Learning Systems includes real-world tools and components to ensure that learners are using the same quality of tools they will see in industry. The Product Finishing Learning Systems includes a two-sided workstation that is used to teach surface preparation skills that prepare parts for painting. Additionally, this system includes either an electrostatic liquid spray paint system, an electrostatic powder paint system, or both to provide hands-on training with industrial paint systems. Product Finishing Learning Systems allow learners to acquire vital industry skills in surface preparation and painting. Major topics covered by the Product Finishing Learning Systems include product finish inspection, sanding and scuffing, washing and pretreatment, masking and demasking, spray painting processes, electrostatic liquid spray painting, and electrostatic powder painting. The knowledge and hands-on experience learners will gain as they progress through this learning system will increase product quality while reducing rework and related costs.

Purchase Liquid Paint, Powder Paint, or Dual Liquid/Powder Paint System
Interactive Curriculum Provides In-depth Knowledge, Simulations, and Hands-On Skill Procedures
Electrostatic Spray Painting using Real-World Parts
Two-Sided Workstation
Masking Skills
Student Reference Guide
Sanding and Scuffing Skills.



Production Assembly Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940003 - (Production Assembly Learning System)

The Production Assembly Learning System includes a mobile workstation, mechanical panels, hose kit, fastener kit, fitting kit, bin kit, consumables kit, miscellaneous tool kit, torque fixture kit, torquing fasteners panel, fitting torque wrenches panel, back-up wrenches panel, electric and pneumatic tools panel, protective plug cap kit, CD-ROM based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. Production Assembly Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The CD-ROM based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment. The CD-ROM based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations.
The Production Assembly Learning System teaches fundamentals of assembly skills used throughout modern industry. Students will learn industry-relevant skills including how to identify and safely handle torque wrenches, operate both click-type and air impulse torque wrenches, properly sequence fittings, install, operate and maintain O-rings and lip seals, assemble hoses and couplings, route hoses including using clamps, brackets and clips, identify and install STOR and Zerk hydraulic fittings, and handle both steel and plastic tubing. High quality assembly skills are in short supply, with the impact being more product failures which lead to increased costs, customer dissatisfaction, and in some cases, safety issues.
Options available to expand the Production Assembly Learning System even further include a split flange learning system, stall bar learning system, electric torque wrench learning system, and instrumented DC-electric torque wrench learning system.

High Quality Assembly Skills and Troubleshooting Knowledge
Multimedia Curriculum
Industrial Size Components
Interactive CD-ROM Curriculum with Virtual Simulation
Student Reference Guide
Heavy Duty Steel Workstation
Safe Power Level-24 VDC.



Surveying Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940004 - (Surveying Learning System)

The Surveying Learning System introduces the fundamentals of surveying, focusing on determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them; this signature approach to curriculum reinforces both theory and practice, which produces a well-rounded understanding of the topic. 
These components are all industrial quality not only to ensure durability, but also to help learners become better prepared for what they will encounter on the job. All products are made from top-notch materials and carefully crafted (hand-welded, painted, and silk-screened) to create tough, attractive, well designed learning systems that facilitate learning and will serve teachers and students for years. The Surveying Learning System includes Level-Transit, optical type with 20x magnification, horizontal and vertical adjustments and locks, Level-Transit tripod with adjustable legs and mounting platform; Measuring Tape, fiberglass, 200-ft., (100) Surveying Flags, plastic film on wire stakes. 
Because surveying is utilized in so many aspects of industry, the skills taught by the Surveying Learning System opens the doors to careers in various fields, such as manufacturing, transportation, and construction. After completing this training system, learners will be able to operate surveying and mapping tools, including global positioning systems (GPS) associated with surveying, but will also understand the relevant key concepts.

Introduces the fundamentals of surveying, focusing on determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them.



Electric Torque Wrench Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940005 - (Electric Torque Wrench Learning System)

The Electric Torque Wrench Learning System includes an electric torque wrench, a 19mm box head drive, CD-ROM based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The CD-ROM based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment. 
Electric Torque Wrench Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The CD-ROM based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations.
Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches the operation and application of electric torque wrenches with threaded fasteners. The Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches learners how to use a high-speed, precise torque tool. Precision assembly requires accurate fastener tension in bolted assemblies.

Industrial quality components
Hands-on skills
Teaches learners how to use a high-speed, precise torque tool.



Wiring Harness Assembly Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940006 - (Wiring Harness Assembly Learning System)

The Wiring Harness Assembly Learning System includes a welded steel, mobile workstation with 4 square welded steel tubing and heavy duty casters. Supplies these industrial-grade, top-flight components in order to give the learner an opportunity to work with real-world materials and gain experience they would normally only acquire on the job. Components include a wire harness kit, fastener kit, cable kit, and harness assembly tool set, which features four wrenches, three pliers, and a tie-strap tool. 
Wiring Harness Assembly Learning System introduces learners to the basic concepts of wire harnessing, such as wire routing, common types of connectors and clips, harness installation, and troubleshooting. World-class interactive curriculum allows learners to grasp both technical knowledge such as common wire routing mistakes and hands-on skills like practicing battery cable installation. Because machines require thousands of individual wires, harnessing offers protection for the wires, as well as ease of routing, reduction of space, and standardization of the assembly process for machine operators and assemblers.

Wire Harnessing Safety
Multimedia Curriculum Available
Real-World Wire Harnessing Knowledge
Hands on Wire Harnessing Skills
Student Reference Guide.



Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940007 - (Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System)

Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System includes a tool panel with a DC right angle electric nutrunner, 19MM socket, 5M DS cable, control box, multimedia based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The multimedia based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations. The multimedia based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment.
The Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches learners how to assemble a threaded fastener using a torque wrench. These tools combine both speed and precision, making them a popular choice in todays workplace.

Industrial quality components
Hands-on skills
Teaches learners how to assemble a threaded fastener using a torque wrench.



Stall Bar Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940008 - (Stall Bar Learning System)

The Stall Bar Learning System includes a pneumatic 50NM nutrunner with stall bar, 19MM socket, CD-ROM based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The Stall Bar Learning System teaches learners how to use a stall bar torque tool to assemble threaded fasteners. These are often used in assembly operations requiring very accurate torque. Stall Bar Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The CD-ROM based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment. The CD-ROM based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations.

Industrial quality components
Hands-on skills
Teaches learners how to use a stall bar torque tool to assemble threaded fasteners.

