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Balancing Apparatus

Balancing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16500015

Categories: Gas Turbine and Compressors Machines Lab

Tags: Balancing Apparatus


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  • Description

This process is called balancing. The machine component is then balanced and runs without vibration. During imbalance, the principal axis of inertia or centre of gravity of the rotating machine component is outside its axis of rotation. Imbalances on rotating machines are often the cause of disruptive vibrations and noise. By adding or removing masses, the centre of gravity or the principal axis of inertia can be shifted so that both coincide with the axis of rotation. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Comparison of static, dynamic or general imbalance
Demonstration of imbalance vibrations at different speeds
Perform a balancing operation
Determine an imbalance.

Static and dynamic imbalance.
Representation of the fundamental processes involved in balancing.


Balancing Apparatus
