Our Products
Vibrations Frame

Vibrations Frame

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700015

Categories: Universal Vibration Apparatus

Tags: Vibrations Frame


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  • Description

The Vibrations Frame offers the ideal working frame for all of the Universal Vibration apparatus experiment modules. The internal working dimension for mounting experiments is 1.22m x 0.76m. Manufactured from high quality, ergonomic aluminium profile, Vibrations Frame comprises solid side profiles for rigidly mounting experiment components and dual upper and lower members, which creates a mounting slot thus allowing the individual experiment components to be interchanged quickly and efficiently.
The Vibrations Frame comes fully assembled with no need for tooling or lengthy assembly.
Profile grooves create an accurate alignment of experiment components, and pre-assembled fasteners are integrated into the grooves for assembling of specific experiments within the range.


Vibrations Frame
