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Speed And Position Control

Speed And Position Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400090

Categories: Electronics Equipment

Tags: Speed And Position Control


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  • Description

The board is supplied complete with a set of stackable, plug-in cables of suitable lengths and colours and with a training manual.
Together with the board, that contains the power circuits complete with relevant piloting, it is possible to realize an open and closed loop control both of the position system (geared motor coupled to a potentiometer) and of the speed system (variable load generator dc motor with optical transducer associated to an F/V converter).
This board contains two independent systems, for the control of the position and of the speed respectively, error amplifier, each one complete with reference block, transducer and actuator.
Power supply: ± 15Vdc, 100mA


Open-loop operation
Closed-loop operation half-controlled bridge
Thyristor bidirectional converter
Closed-loop operation fully-controlled bridge.
