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Refrigeration And Conditioning

Refrigeration And Conditioning

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700025

Categories: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab Equipments

Tags: Refrigeration And Conditioning


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  • Description

The Refrigeration And Conditioning has been designed for both theoretical and practical learning of refrigeration technics. The unit has been designed for operation with CFC free Freon as primary and unfreezable mixture as secondaryrefrigerant. On the front panel, a synoptic diagram reproduces the plant clearly showing each component and the measurement pointsprovided in the circuit. The Refrigeration And Conditioning unit is self-sufficient and provided with all the instruments which are necessary to allow a wide experimentation.

The Refrigeration And Conditioning unit is available in two versions:
Refrigeration Study Unit with Heat Pump.
Refrigeration Study Unit.


Refrigeration And Conditioning
