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Simple Air Conditioning System

Simple Air Conditioning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700045

Categories: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab Equipments

Tags: Simple Air Conditioning System


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  • Description

The model is plugged onto the base unit, secured using fasteners and connected with refrigerant hoses to become a complete refrigeration circuit for the air cooler. In systems for room cooling the air to be cooled is aspirated from the room by a fan, cooled and fed back into the room. This model demonstrates the principles of room cooling and the components of an air conditioning system. This is part of the HSI training system for refrigeration and air conditioning technology. In combination with the base unit the operational model of a simple air conditioning system is created.


Sensors to record temperature and differential pressure for determining the volumetric air flow rate
Air duct with transparent front
Radial fan with throttle valve
Thermostatic expansion valve as expansion element
Evaporator as air cooler
Model of a simple air conditioning system to plug onto the base unit training system with HSI technology.
