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Multistage Spur Gears

Multistage Spur Gears

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100027

Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments

Tags: Multistage Spur Gears


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  • Description

Gears are employed as a link between driving machine and driven machine. The aim of dynamic gear analysis is an understanding of the motion sequences and the influence of inertia. They are used to vary torque and speed and to change direction. 

Drive via cable drum and variable set of weights
Inductive speed sensors on all shafts
Single-Stage, two-stage or three-stage spur gear with distributed rotational inertia.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Determining the mass moment of inertia of the gear
Determining the friction
Determining the angular acceleration on gears
Determining the gear efficiency.


Multistage Spur Gears
