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Lighting System Teaching Board

Lighting System Teaching Board

Product Code: LBNY-0005-121000112

Categories: Automobile Cutways and Models Lab

Tags: Lighting System Teaching Board


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  • Description

The training device is based on the Jetta lighting system. And it can fully display the structure and working process of the automotive lighting system.

Structure and composition:
Headlights, front corner lamp, front fog lights, dimmer switch assembly, tail lights, license plate light, rear fog lamps, side lights, lighting switch assembly, brake light switch, reversing light switch, high-capacity battery or 12V switch power, terminal detection, fault set and troubleshooting system, mobile bench.

The working principle and process of the lighting system can be demonstrated.
It has troubleshooting and set areas. You can set multiple common faults, stimulate the fault, test the fault and exclude the fault.
It is based on the automotive lighting system components. And it can display the structure of the lighting system.
The color schematics is very easy for the students to analyses and understands the work process of the automotive lighting system.


Production technology:
Power supply: DC12V, battery
Mobile stand with locking casters, you can move and lock the device easily.
Dimensions: about 1260x850x1890mm.
