Our Products
Capacitor Run Motor 60 HZ

Capacitor Run Motor 60 HZ

Product Code: LBNY-0005-121000126

Categories: Automobile Cutways and Models Lab

Tags: Capacitor Run Motor 60 HZ


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  • Description

The capacitor is externally mounted. Specifications and/or diagrams are silk-screened on the back of a clear-plastic front panel for ease of identification. The trainer is protected by a either a diode or thermal-magnetic circuit breaker. This trainer is a single-phase unit that can be used to teach the principles of the capacitor-run motor. The main winding, auxiliary winding and the capacitor of the capacitor-run motor are all brought out separately to 4mm terminals on the housing. Included in the Rotating Machines Trainer for 1/3 hp - 250 W. Requires a 120V 60Hz circuit.

Educational Advantages:
Equipped with a capacitor that is externally mounted
Included in the basic Rotating Machines Trainer (50016) for 1/3 hp - 250 Wv
Single-phase unit that can be used to teach the principles of the capacitor run motor


Number of machine connections: 6
Capacitor mounted externally
Thermal breaker protection
Power: 120 VAC, 1
Frequency: 60 Hz
Speed: 1725 rpm.
