Our Products
Scanning Electron Microscope Bench Top

Scanning Electron Microscope Bench Top

Product Code: LBNY-0001-830036

Categories: Laboratory Equipment and Accessories

Tags: Scanning Electron Microscope Bench Top


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  • Description

Scanning Electron Microscope Bench Top


Combines innovative technological features with an intuitive interface, to deliver adaptability and flexibility in a powerful, automated, lab-friendly package.
Cutting-edge technology and circuitry provides unrivaled imaging performance, even in variable-pressure environments, a feature previously only available in a full-sized SEM.
This SEM runs on clean energy for an economical analytical tool, without compromising performance.
Beam energy 1- 30 kv,
Magnification up to 50 000x,
Resolution 15 nm,
With 3 -stage controls and dual imaging detectors,
Low vacuum capability for non-conductive samples, variable spot size control, optimal x-ray generation for EDS analysis, Backscatter (BSE) and Secondary (SE) detector.
EDS elemental analysis.
Antivibration table.
Provide computer, software, commission and staff training.
