Our Products
Polynit Heat Seal Wipes

Polynit Heat Seal Wipes

Product Code: LBNY-00017-11000296

Categories: Personal Protective Equipment

Tags: Polynit Heat Seal Wipes


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  • Description

Polynit Heat seal Wipes are made of 100% knitted textured polyester for very low levels of particles and fibers. Polyester wipes are chemically resistant and exceptionally low in particles and fibers.
Interlock knit creates a durable fabric, the addition of a periodic additional stitch of a no-run interlock knit prevents the fabric unraveling creating an even more durable fabric with strong edges.
Good sorbency with solvents and are abrasion and chemical resistant
100% laundered knitted polyester creates very low levels of particle and fibers
Chemically resistant and exceptionally low in particles and fibers


Polynit Heat Seal Wipes
